By no means to I intend to make this my “I'm leaving the manosphere” post. I'll still be checking my messages on Substack. I may pop up on a podcast or two. I'll be around helping out when I can. However, for now I'm putting a pause on my writing.
Firstly, I have my hands full with another thing right now that is dear to me. I only have so much I can give and this other thing I have going on takes priority.
I also want to spend more time with my family and accomplish some small goals in my personal life. As fulfilling as I find helping others via my writing, I don't want to become yet another guy that is not present with his family as he absorbs himself into work, pet projects, etc. If I had endless time I would be able to balance it all, but life doesn't work that way.
The internet is a strange thing. It is a communication tool— nothing more, nothing less. However, because we are a highly social and community driven species, a communication tool is more than a communication tool. It is a part of who we are. There is no distinction between “in real life” and your online persona. Regardless, of how badly we want to compartmentalize the two, our online persona and “real life” behaviors are us. The only difference is the parameters and rules of the game.
Telling a tall tale or spending hours doing your makeup is no different than projecting a lavish lifestyle on Instagram or Hinge. Communication can be used to inform or to deceive. The internet and social media is just a magnifier.
“Stripper” is no less who I am than who I represent at work, on a date, when meeting new people or hanging out with the boys. The Japanese have a concept of the three faces: the one we show to the world, the one we show to our family and friends, and the one we never show anyone outside of ourselves. With the increased use of social media and being online in general, we can add yet another face.
I have had great experiences and made friends because of this communication tool. I have also felt drained after scrolling through a feed. As someone who autistically loves to learn, the internet is a blessing and a curse. I am able to discern and filter information relatively effectively, but I am only human. I still scroll reels and share memes. I still find that my cups get filled with nonsense at times.
I would love to appear like these no social media gurus that ironically make a living off social media, but I'm not a grifter. I'll still be on social media, but far less engaged for now. I open social media and my mind goes numb. It is like watching paint dry.
I really don't care. I don't care to watch another dumb bitch say some dumb bitch shit. I don't care to hear some 20 year old who barely got his dick we tell me how to maintain a long-term relationship. I don't care about Diddy, Ukraine, Trump, Trans-weirdos or anything else the gaggle of people care to talk about.
Before I came to this place on the internet my Instagram was only used to watch food recipes and I watched some cool shit on YouTube. My exposure was minimal and I was better for it.
Because being online allows the freedom to be anonymous, it allows for us to have honest conversations; which I think is a beautiful thing. However, it also allows us to be unfiltered fucktards.
Behavior is behavior. Plain and simple. Despite your best efforts the three (four) faces bleed into one another. “Stripper” is a part of me and I want it to stay that way— a part, not a whole.
What the fuck are you trying to say?
Simply put, being online as much as I have been this past year is not my thing. It was fun and I'll still be around, just in less of a capacity and my writing is pausing for a touch.
More importantly though, is to remember that there is no IRL and online. They are both parts of you. How you behave on one does carry over to the other, regardless of how hard you try to separate the two. Furthermore, you can look outward and make the same assessment of others. The girls who have meticulously curated profiles are using just another tool for validation and to flex. The online sperg is likely just as socially uncalibrated at s house party. The grifter selling you snake oil would likely steal your wallet if given a consequence free opportunity.
When I do decide to finally go, it won't be with a post like this or a bang. I'll just leave.
In the meantime I'll still be checking messages on Substack and may pop up on YouTube from time to time.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to read my shit.
I will be back.
I haven’t known you long but really appreciated your posts, and the way you’ve engaged with comments in an honest and forthright way. So much so I pledged to support you financially when you chose to take it. Despite our mild disagreement about the importance of “truth”, I think we both prioritise truth (or doing things effectively if you prefer), above appearing to be right and ‘winning’ the argument - which makes us somewhat unique. Please look me up if you ever come to New Zealand, it would be great to meet.
I’ll miss your articles but I completely understand. Sometimes the weight of being terminally online hits you like a shovel